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Gas transmission system continues to face danger of collapse

 Notwithstanding impressive decrease in gas outpourings by Investigation and Creation (E&P) organizations, the nation's gas transmission framework keeps on being very nearly breakdown.

Official sources in the Energy Service told The News on Tuesday the line pack actually remains at 5.078 billion cubic feet (bcf). "On the off chance that it crosses 5bcf, gas arrangement of the nation can any time burst, placing the entire nation in profound gas accessibility emergency," authorities said. The gas volume ought not be more than 4.670 bcf in gas transmission pipeline framework.

The OGDCL, Mari, MOL and PPL have been compelled to lessen gas outpourings to diminish tension in the primary pipeline, as their gas fields, which are approaching consumption, could be presented to weakness on account of decrease in gas surges. More often than not such gas fields couldn't achieve flammable gas strain, and a few gas fields couldn't be re-energized in spite of weighty interests previously.

The public area E&P organizations have passed their consternation on to the public authority functionaries over their course to them for lessening gas surges over and over.

This is the second time in the ongoing month line pack pressure has put the gas transmission arrangement of country under coercion. Line pack pressure remained on May 4-5. It keeps on going on for four days beginning from May 25. Yet, the specialists have just a single recipe to deal with the circumstance and that is decrease of gas streams from neighborhood gas fields.

As of May 28, gas volume in the pipeline actually remains at 5.078bcf, mostly as a result of monstrous decrease in RLNG utilization by power area to 525mmcfd against its interest of 750mmcfd as fuel for power creation.

"In the event that the power area consumes RLNG according to its interest, the continuous gigantic power loadshedding can be essentially decreased," the Power Division sources said.

The Power Division, be that as it may, is modest to run four RLNG power plants in Punjab on full scale, sources said. They contend under this situation, the end purchasers will get expanded bills as month to month fuel changes.

"The power age, in view of RLNG as fuel, is expensive. The round obligation, which remains at Rs2.6 trillion up to Walk 2024, will additionally increment," sources said. Powers area savants say greater power age will bring about more expansion in round obligation. It is all a direct result of low recuperation of power charges and expanding burglary primarily due to high power costs, sources said.

"In addition, the modern area has likewise diminished utilization of RLNG again on account of high duty of gas. Many modern units in Punjab have shut down." The CNG area in Punjab has nearly vanished on account of government strategy not to give RLNG to CNG area even at costs higher than RLNG levies.

Country can't diminish import of RLNG in light of the fact that the sovereign certifications are engaged with long haul concurrences with Qatar and ENI, sources said. Slicing neighborhood gas off-takes in the framework is the main choice left with the Petrol Division, sources added.

The information on line pack shows utilization of gas in compost area remains at 70mmcfd on Tuesday when contrasted with Monday, which was at 63 mmcfd.

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